Insecure Password..

My Password is “password”

Arguably, this is the number-one and most common bad choice. Also prevalent are variations such as P@ssw0rd and P@55w0rd. These might be easy to remember, but they’re also among the first options hackers will try.


Easy-to-guess passwords often take root because they’re simple to remember. That’s the story with this hacker-friendly option constructed from the sequence of letters at the top left of the typical computer keyboard.


Or, 8765. Or, 45678. You get the picture — no consecutive numbers (and the same goes for sequential letter combinations). You can only count on passwords such as these to expose your business to digital theft.


If your shop is called BestBuy, don’t set your password as Bestbuy1. That would be a early choice for hackers looking to break into your valuable data.

Business Address.

Skip it entirely, when it comes to passwords. Also avoid trying to mash together similar details, such as your street name and street number — i.e. Tracy191

Date of Birth.

Thanks to the Internet, it doesn’t take much effort to find a person’s DOB. Birthdays, birth-dates, years of birth — all of them make for readily attainable passwords and are poor choices for your company.

Simple Dictionary Words.

Especially if they’re related to your business, don’t use them. No mouse, keyboards, monitor, for a computer store. No coffee, creamer, sugar, for a coffee shop.

 And so, what should you do when it comes to getting a new password?

I recommend to used everyday phrases that end in a questions. This way, if it was spoken out loud, people thinks you are asking a questions and not yelling a password. (“Whatareyoudoing?” , “Doyouknowwhattimeitis?”, “Whereareyouat12?”)

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